Introduction to Chakra System

Chakras are major energy centres that line the spinal column. They are like whirlpools of energy, drawing energy in from all over the body and then processing, balancing and re-distributing this energy back out into energy channels (nadis). The Chakras also correspond with the position of nerve plexuses or networks of nerves from the peripheral nervous system, located along the spinal cord and with the position of the main glands within the body (endocrine system).
There are seven main Chakras. The first is Mooladhara the Base or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. The second Swadhistana, the Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen. The third is Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the belly. The fourth is Anahata, the Heart Chakra, located in the heart. The fifth is Vishuddi, the Throat Chakra, located in the throat. Sixth is Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra, located in the forehead and the seventh is Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra, located in the top of the head. 
The Chakras are connected to different aspects of our consciousness, so they play integral role in linking the body and mind. They are thought to develop as we do, reflecting our emotions and experiences as we grow from the womb to early adulthood. Each Chakra therefore corresponds to a particular stage of our development and throughout adulthood, the thoughts and fears we experience which resonate with that stage off development will be stored within and around the associated Chakra, affecting its vibrancy and strength. 

Our Base Chakra reflects our experiences from the womb to babyhood and its linked to our physical security and to what extent we can trust the world to look after us, reflecting odour need for nurturing and safety when we are so vulnerable and dependant.

The Sacral Chakra reflects our infancy, when we begin to explore the world and take our first tentative steps to autonomy, including becoming aware of our body and beginning toilet training. If encourage and allowed to explore, we can enjoy the world, becoming creative and curious, but if criticised and overly-controlled, we feel guilt and shame.

The Solar Plexus reflects our early childhood from 2 to 5 years when we begin to assert our will, develop initiative and test our boundaries and our power. If we are thwarted and squashed we fear asserting ourselves and mistrust our power, and if given too much control and power without understanding ourselves, we can become 'little tyrants' and expect to continue to dominate and have our own way throughout life.

The Heart Chakra reflects middle childhood, from 5 to 8 years where we develop competence and self-love and are encourage to make our own friendships and begin to understand our own feelings and our relationships with others. If we are able to do so, we feel confident and hopeful, if thwarted we feel inferior and undeserving of love.

The Throat Chakra reflects our development from 8 to 12 years and is were we begin to express ourselves as individuals, making our voice heard as we become more independent. If encouraged,  we are confident and able to express our essence and truth, if thwarted, we deny our truth and are fearful of its expression.

The Third Eye Chakra reflects our teenage years where we develop our sense of identity, a clear picture of who we are and the role we might take  in life. If we can do so, we trust ourselves and become more able follow our intuition, if we cannot, we may become confused and unable to find our path in life.

In adulthood the Crown Chakra reflects to what extent we can live our life with integrity, how we have assimilated the experiences of our early years, or whether we continue to feel unsettled and unsure, repressing and denying aspects of ourselves.

By awakening and balancing each Chakra we can process, accept and integrate our formative experiences.