Whatever happens ... yoga will enable you to approach the experience from the position of inner power.

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life. While nine months appears to be a very long time at first, these months are very precious and pass by all too quickly. This is a period of profound physical change for the mother-to-be. It is also a time in which w woman's feelings change and she has to redefine her role in her relationship with her partner. A woman who is expecting a child is regraded with interest and curiosity by those around her. A pregnant woman who decides to practise yoga is choosing a positive environment for herself and her growing child from the outset. Pregnancy iso then a time when a woman feels a natural inclination towards introspection and connection with her true self. As such, the breathing exercises are a godsend, as they help calm constant churning of the mind. Yoga exercises have a wonderful ability to harmonies and bring body, mind and soul together. Yoga helps create a protected space for growing child and a positive, joyful experience for the mother-to-be. Her mind becomes centred, her body remains supple and she has the strength to overcome any obstacles with ease. Woman who practice yoga, especially during pregnancy, can learn to tap the source of inner strength and thus better cope with new challenges.

Surya Namaskar for pregnancy

Before practing the Sun Salutation for the first time, look carefully at the individual positions. While you are still getting used to the sequence of the exercise, it is not necessary to combine each movement with the corresponding breath. Concentrate instead on the position and the transition to the fallowing one and allow your breath to flow naturally. Once the flow of movements is familiar, you can bring your attention to the breath and combine each movement with the corresponding inhalation and exhalation. This is not as difficult as it may seem as we automatically inhale when we stretch upwards and exhale when we bend forwards.During pregnancy we practice the Sun Salutation slowly. Your body will feel different every day. Listen to your body and adapt the number of repetitions and your breath so that you feel that you are doing your body good.
* benefits and step-by-step instructions are in the video 

General points to remember:

  • See you doctor before practicing yoga to ensure your are in suitable health.
  • Before the 12th week of pregnancy miscarriages can happen without any external influence. This can be due to chromosomal abnormalities, problems with parental genes or anomalies in the uterus.
  • Be careful during twin pregnancies - check with a doctor before taking part in a class.
  • In order to avoid a drop in blood sugar levels due to increased energy needs, eat something light 1 to 2 hours before the yoga class.
  • Make sure the classroom is aired.

The Breath:

  • Carry out the breathing exercises and asanas at your own speed. Every pregnant woman has her own rhythm of breathing that will change over the time and with the growth of abdomen.
  • Conscious breathing and relaxation are practised thorough deep abnormal breathing, with a focus on the exhalation.
  • The exercises should not impede or interrupt the breath.
  • During pregnancy, do not hold the breath (as is usually the case during some breathing exercises). Holding the breath can force the body to draw on oxygen reserves held in placenta.

Your yoga practice:

  • The growing baby must be protected. Do not be ambitious or competitive in your practice. 
  • If the baby start to move noticeably, if you feel the abdomen tighten (cramp or contraction) or if you feel repeated hardening of the abdomen, move immediately into the relaxation position until the symptoms stop.
  • Come out of every position as soon as if you no longer feel comfortable.
  • Stretch your legs out more than usual during the seated exercises.
  • Pay attention to your own limits. Do not stretch or bend any further than feels comfortable.
  • If it feels better for you, come out of a position half way through and move back into it a second time.
  • Avoid straining or over-taxing the abdominal muscles. Do not practice any positions lying on your front.
  • In coming up to sitting or standing, always roll onto your side first and push up into position using your hands.
  • Do not practice inversions (Headstand or Shoulderstand) at the end of you pregnancy, once child has turned and engaged and ready for birth. These positions could cause the baby to turn head up again.
  • If the baby is in the breech position, inversions can help to turn the baby.
  • If you ever feel dizzy while lying on your back, always roll over onto your side.
  • The yoga exercises for pregnancy should create a very personal sense of well-being.